Mark Rolfe is the best guitar teacher you’ll ever have the fortune of meeting. Apart from being a great guitarist himself, he’s both enthusiastic and interested in YOU! What sets him apart from other teachers is that he teaches because he enjoys teaching – not because of the money. That makes all the difference.
I looked forward to each lesson because he made it fun (I’m what you’d call a mature student, and so to say “fun” is quite an achievement). His facilities are great (recording equipment and numerous guitars) and his technical knowledge is second to none.
All in all you couldn’t get a better, friendlier teacher anywhere!

Steve Perkins - Private Student

Mark taught my daughter guitar and banjo for three years. Hannah thoroughly
enjoyed her time working with Mark and learned so much - not only about
skills and techniques, but also about music and musicality more generally.
Of course, though, individual music lessons involve more than just content,
and are crucially about relationships and rapport. It is obvious that Mark
recognises the importance of this interpersonal dimension, and has great
strengths in this regard. Not only is he approachable, interested and very
supportive, but he also made a real effort to get to know Hannah during the
time they worked together, and shaped the lessons around her interests,
motivations, working style and pace, and aspirations. During the three
years she studied with Mark Hannah's self-esteem and confidence grew. Of
course a number of factors contributed to this - and studying guitar with
Mark was certainly one of these.

Hannah actually left the High School after her GCSEs, but enjoyed her work
with Mark so much that she continued to traipse back and forth to NGHS for
the two following years - a journey across town that involved two buses and
a lot of time. In all those years Hannah hardly missed a lesson.

Prof Laurie Cohen - NGHS Parent

"Mr Rolfe has encouraged and inspired our daughter to continue and progress her understanding of the guitar"

Gregg Collingham - NGHS Parent

Mark is a very patient, approachable, enthusiastic music teacher. He is very committed to his pupils and is very encouraging, always striving to get the best out of them. Lessons with Mark are fun, whilst learning all the core things you need to learn, he will always try to incorporate the styles of music you want to play, making the whole process of learning music enjoyable. My daughter is always eager to get to her lesson

Jen Morton - Private student parent

After a tough time with music tutors during college it's nice to put the fun back into learning an instrument, Mark even makes the theory interesting!

Francoise Marie Jeanne - Private Student

Mark is a friendly teacher who always gives positive and supportive feedback. Lessons with him are really enjoyable, and he always gives the exercise a fun twist, yet I will always learn creative and challenging things. I feel that my guitar playing abilities are at a much higher level than the would have been if I had chosen to learn through school enrichment activities or another teacher. The skills that I learn can be used in school subjects as well

Sally Morton - Private Student

Mark Rolfe DipMUS, Dip LCM (TD) RGT Registered : 07985 250605